Computer Virus And Internet Security
By admin on May 10, 2007 in Security
The Two-Sided Faces of Internet
Technology-dominated world has, to some extend, transformed human life; either positively or negatively. All of us dream of even a more developed technology than today; however, we see the evil faces that internet is playing, while state’s administration over the internet traffic is inadequate. So what the positive and negative faces of internet and their resolutions are?
I. Its Positive Aspects
Referred to as “the world’s largest library”, internet is wonderful source of information and other learning aspects. Much better chance to self-expression and personal communication, as well as reading sources for bookworms, I would name it “revolutionary enlightenment.”
Just a few pieces of paper will never adequately tabulate the advantages of internet; from gaining accesses for handicaps to participate in the society to facilitating the cop to arrest the terrorists in other parts of the world. An ambition toward freer spiritual enlightenment beyond the national boundary has been made clear-cut by internet, as I have named it above: “revolutionary enlightenment.”
However, nothing is perfect, as our Creators and scholars have stipulated. We do not blame the internet pioneers of creating the evils, but blame those who have turned the crystal ideas of humanist into a shameful doubt.
Again, internet, due to its evil second face, I would name it “evil abstract revolution.” So what are the grounds caching behind the aforesaid expression?
II. Its Negative Aspects
The growing of internet usage is always on the forefront of laws and other regulation pertaining administering over the evil use of internet services are the problems that the state has to face. The purpose of this part of the article is to point to the simple and practical evils brought in by internet to its users and prospective users.
Irrational Use of Time
Due to the eye-catching and persuasive entertainments of internet, students have gained nothing from those entertainments. Countless and always-on-the-move kinds of entertainment have crazed students mind; making them forget their purpose of coming to internet café. All of these evils contained in the internet have extraordinarily washed students’ time, money and resources.
Not only for the students or youngsters, stern students, bookworms or intellectuals are made confused by the just-a-click-world of internet. The links on the screen have steered those willing to learn out of their ways and imagine how hard for them to be back on the right track?
Sex-Provoking Features
This happens a lot in Cambodia, a country where the government takes almost no interference into the internet traffic. In this country, even a five-year old boy can gain access to pornography; moreover, since there is no adequate administration over students’ schooling lives, they may skip school for chatting: their technology caffeine. This is the fact that I myself found while I was on the internet accesses.
III. Author’s Suggestions
For the on-the-surface problems, the author of this article would suggest practical resolutions, resolutions that even a primary school student can understand.
Better Administration over Students’ Schooling Lives: We do understand that government’s interference into private sector is thought as obsolete in this world, but for the sake of public betterment, it is not a sin to do so. Observing and controlling over students’ study hours so that they would not skip school for pornography or chatting on the net would be of great significance.
Besides these, we do need collaboration from the owner of the internet shop and other stakeholders to attain our public goal.
Lay Vicheka, the newspaper columnist, translator for the most well-known translation agency in Cambodia, has now just received the “expert author status” from this website. With experience in law and politics, he is now contributing to different websites around the world, mostly on the field on humanity. He can be contact: 221H Street 93, Tuol Sangke village, Tuol Sangke quarter, Russey Keo district, Phnom Penh, tel: 855 11 286 445, email:
Youtube Results For Computer Virus And Internet Security
10.02 min. | 5.0 user rating
This is a pretty long video going over various ways to keep your mac secure. Note that sometimes it may seem a bit jumpy, that is because I had to cut some parts out to make the video shorter. In this video, I got over several applications (free and paid) that will help you protect your mac. Not only do I cover internet security but also local security. This video could be aimed at someone who is completely new to macs or someone who just wants to learn a but more about security on their mac.
Twitter Results For Computer Virus And Internet Security
ArkinOttman54 (Arkin Ottman) – F-Secure – Protection : Internet Security : Overview: Anti-Virus Protects your computer against viruses and spyw…
antivirusdown (AntiVirus Downloads) – Critical Safety Measures For Your Computer: The Ultimate Collection Of Computer Protection Tips For Data Recover…
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