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Internet Security Monitoring

Types of Internet Businesses and Some Ideas

Just what is internet business? This may be categorised into almost any form of business now probably with the exception of physical requirement businesses such as manufacturing, farming etc. For example, will the internet ever be able to replace a filling?

Thus the question must be asked, are all other forms of business deemed to become extinct in the future or is this merely a part of what is to become.

While it is theoretically possible to achieve almost anything with the internet, even things such as legal services, architectural services, even accounting and financial advisory services with the internet, the fact remains that the internet (in 2007) cannot think and hence cannot draw upon personal experience- some people may say that their own professional advisors don’t think-or supply opinions that, in legal terms may even create new precedents.

Additionally, people traditionally like a personal touch, so whatever field one examines, this may be the case. But to answer the initial question, internet business is business that can be transacted using the internet, either with or without human intervention.

If I sound like I am picking on the legal professions, I am not, just using them as an example, indeed paying them a compliment as they are pillars of society.

What are the advantages and disadvantages?

In today’s world, the increasing trend is to continually reduce costs, sometimes to the detriment of the business itself, so internet business provides a great means of doing this as it removes traditional costs associated with business, for example office rent and rates, travelling expenses, health and safety requirements etc.

However, on the downside people lose that daily interaction, they lose the office “feel”, the personal touch with any customers is lost etc.

Internet Business Ideas

The obvious internet businesses are ones such as the travel industry or any kind of consulting or marketing goods of any description. To expand on this, just look at the travel industry- what is the first thing you do when you are looking for a holiday or flight- you open up the internet and search so the potential is there to be very successful and examples of a possible internet business can be found almost anywhere.

Other examples would include PC repair or tutoring, but if one thinks long and hard enough, they can sell any service or good via the internet, removing the need for vans or shops for example.

So what does this mean for traditional business?

Is this the demise for business as we have almost known it?

Personally, in the foreseeable future I am certain not. I will explain. Lets look at retail- people will always go into town to visit favourite cafes and go shopping, wanting to see the goods for themselves.

One must remember that it is also a social thing where people interact and meet other friends, or (especially in most countries) go to the local market for produce etc. This cannot be done via the internet.

Summarising, internet is fantastic, but for goods that are directly connected with one’s person, food, clothes etc. it is limited.

Naz Daud is the founder of CityLocal. This Business Franchise Opportunity is for people who would like to work from home and be their own boss.

Internet Franchises and UK Business Directory

Internet Business & Franchise Opportunity

Youtube Results For Internet Security Monitoring

Looking for Internet Filtering? Internet Security. It’s all here!

2.02 min. | 0 user rating – Internet Filtering In 2001 60.7% of employees stated that they visit web sites for personal use with 51% of employees spending time checking email, online chat, shopping and checking their finances. Using working time to browse Internet sites for personal use takes away productivity and uses up company bandwidth when things are downloaded. The way in which this works is web site requests are sent through filtering software. Filtering software works in conjunction with a master database of approximately three or four million web sites. These websites all contain content that is deemed unsuitable for the workplace. These sites include adult sites, gambling and the downloading of mp3’s as well as stopping the ability to shop online. New sites are added to this database daily so that as the Internet grows your web filtering software stays up-to-date with the latest sites that need to be restricted from working hours. Site blocking/content filtering only focuses on HTTP based web traffic, leaving other applications such as instant messaging and email as a continuing security risk and a waste of employee time. When it comes to web filtering there is often a lot of controversy surrounding it as many people disprove of filtering moral and political view points. In the case of stopping employees getting on to certain sites it is done so that employees will get on with their work rather than wasting company time browsing sites that have

Yahoo Answers For Internet Security Monitoring

Question Internet security monitoring?
Someone claimes to be hacking my computer through yahoo chat. Clearly i have made a new id, but i want to know if this is really happening. I have a wireless Linksys router running the internet connection through my house. Is there any program i can use to see exactly what is coming and going through my internet connection that is in plain english? Some way to tell what is happening?

The Best Answer rule #1 – those that can DO.. they dont talk about it
rule #2 – those that talk about it are simply kids that couldnt hack their way out of a wet paper bag
you could likely give this person your ip address and they wouldnt even know what to do with it… why because their weaksauce proxy clones will only attack via private message floods… tisk tisk tisk

no need to worry, its all flabber.. if he could have you wouldnt have seen him saying so and you wouldnt be online right now to ask these questions…
these are simple facts.

Twitter Results For Internet Security Monitoring

study4cyberwar ( – RT @nigroeneveld -Monitoring Tools and Cyber Security Incidents in Georgian Internet Space – Nick Elbakidze…

study4cyberwar ( – RT @nigroeneveld -Monitoring Tools and Cyber Security Incidents in Georgian Internet Space – Nick Elbakidze #cyb…

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