Online Internet Security
By admin on Feb 28, 2007 in Security
Emerging Internet Business Marketing Trends
The Internet is a dynamic beast; it can literally eat you alive and spit you out unless you go along with the emerging online marketing trends of today. The World Wide Web is not alive per se. It is but a virtual avenue for people to come together and create a cyber world. And as they say, anything goes when it comes to the Web and most anything here goes out of fashion… quickly. The same is true when it comes to internet marketing trends. What may have been hip and happening a few years, months or even weeks ago may be passé today.
E-books are almost dead as an online marketing tool. The same goes with software-based ads, online market research and email marketing (can you say SPAM faster?). There are other unethical online marketing tools, of course but most of the search engines are smartening up. In fact, some of them can be so relentless that innocent business websites are affected as well.
Nonetheless, most people who engage in internet marketing can be equally relentless when it comes to promoting their websites, products or services. And for those of you who wish to find out just how exactly you can crest the wave of success, here are some of the emerging marketing trends for the World Wide Web.
Facelessness is Becoming a Good Thing
A few years back, people have said that in order to tap into the resources of your potential market, you need to know exactly what their details are: age, status, income bracket, etc. These days, everything is a blank canvas. There are no more demographics over the internet when it comes to online marketing. Almost anything can be sold to anyone at any given time. This means that most of the texts and images used in advertising should appeal to just about anyone who uses the web. This may sound easy, but in truth this is quite difficult.
Imagine how anyone can create something that will attract the attention of people who come from many different countries, from many religious backgrounds, and from many stratums of society. One cannot hope to be politically correct all the time because the advertiser has to deal with a whole range sensibility. And yet, it can be done. There are after all, two basic similarities among internet users.
The Need to Find Easy Texts to Read
Of all the texts, blogs and propaganda spreading rampantly over the internet, most online users prefer texts that are easy on the mind which can be comprehended quickly. This does not mean that treatises and technical documents are shunned by most users. It just means that in order for internet marketing to become successful, a more conversational and light-hearted ad construction is needed. Most business sites or adverts with superlative adjectives are now considered overkill and very often dismissed faster than you can spell the SPAM.
Instant Access Means Instant Success
Yes, it’s true. All internet users want instant online access to anything. Wouldn’t you? There was a point in internet marketing when, after you click on an ad you found particularly interesting, you are redirected into a series of adverts that have absolutely nothing to do with the ones you are looking for. There are a few people (saints, in our books) who would push through with the clicking; hoping that something worthwhile will eventually turn up but nothing ever does.
This can be great … as a practical joke, but certainly not as an internet marketing tool. Most internet users now do not want to fill out the newsletter subscription; do not want to fill out the customer demographic page (for research purposes, they say); do not want to fill out the friend referral page; do not want to fill out the feed back page … It is far easier to click on the close button and find an advert that leads directly to the business website where the information is right there – yes, right there where the potential client wants it to be. Information that is often considered as pertinent includes online contact information of the company, rates/costs, special promos and discounts, guarantees, etc.
On the whole, these emerging internet marketing trends seem to be leaning towards straightforwardness and simplicity. The faster the internet user can get a hold of whatever it is wanted, the more successful the ad will be. Traditional internet marketing still rules – but only just.
Naz Daud is the founder of CityLocal. This Business Franchise Opportunity is for people who would like to work from home and be their own boss.
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Twitter Results For Online Internet Security
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